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4 Sept 2015

7 Helpful Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

Having white teeth and a good-looking smile are some of the first physical characteristics a person notices about you. It has become a part of today's society to keep our teeth clean and nearly perfect, especially for those who have invested in cosmetic dentistry or orthodontics.
Brushing and flossing play a large part in keeping your teeth in tip-top shape. Teeth can develop plaque and become dull or stained if you do not properly take care of them on a daily basis. Simple foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, soda, candy, and even smoking can yellow your teeth, leaving you with unwanted discoloration.
Looking for a way to brighten up your smile? Here are seven helpful ways to whiten your teeth from home:

1. Replace your toothbrush every three months:
Brushing your teeth plays a major role in transforming your teeth into pearly whites. Worn toothbrushes with frayed bristles will not remove plaque from your teeth and gums as much as a new toothbrush would. They become less effective at cleaning in between your teeth after three months of use. In addition to decreased effectiveness, fungus and bacteria can build up on the bristles, especially after a sickness. It is important to change your toothbrush regularly to prevent a sickness from reoccuring.

2. Rinse with apple cider vinegar (ACV):
Have tough stains on your teeth? Rinse your mouth out regularly with apple cider vinegar. This will remove any plaque and stains on the teeth. You can also apply ACV to your toothbrush for the same effect.

3. Eat raw fruits and vegetables on a daily basis:
Raw fruits and vegetables are proven to help whiten your teeth, as well as promote healthy gums and increase blood flow. Try eating apples, strawberries, celery or carrots to scrub your teeth clean and eliminate bad breath.

4. Mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide:
Baking soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide is one of the most popular at-home teeth whitening remedies. All you need to do is blend the two substances together until it forms a paste, apply it to your teeth, and let it sit for 1-2 minutes. Be sure to rinse your mouth out with water afterward and brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste.

5. Use gel strips:
If you're looking for a quick way to whiten your teeth, head to your local corner store and purchase gel whitening strips. Each pack typically lasts 1-2 weeks and contains teeth whitening chemicals, like peroxide and bleach. Kits will come with a set of instructions for best results.
6. Brush your teeth using strawberries:
Using strawberries to whiten your teeth is one of the most natural ways to bring out the best in your smile. Gather 4-5 strawberries and mash them up until they form a thin paste, then apply to your teeth for up to five minutes. The same can be done with lemon and orange peels. Always be sure to rinse afterward to ensure they don't wear away at your enamel.
7. Coconut oil rinse:
Coconut oil rinsing, or 'oil pulling,' removes bacteria and plaque from your teeth. All you will need is a tablespoon of natural coconut oil to do the trick. Swish this around your mouth for up to 15 minutes, then rinse with water, and follow-up by brushing your teeth.
Whether you're looking for ways to whiten your teeth or remove plaque build-up, these seven helpful hints are sure to make a difference. Be sure to set up a consistent routine and use one of the methods a few times every week to achieve best results.



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